You could say I am an interwebs focused individual. I have had a long and varied carrier in IT, Cyber Security and a good dose of other random things thrown in. I spent 11 years in the Australian full time army, started my own company (contracting back to Defence), and now work in Seattle in big IT.
In addition to working as a security architect, I am now a director at Emerald Onion (a local Seattle not-for-profit) and I am mostly focused on running their network. In addition to this, I am a HAM radio operator, have a couple LLCs to keep my interests and skills up-to-date, and run an enterprise network in my house (well not really, but almost).
I am hoping to keep this site up and running, and include articles and tid bits that I have figured out or would otherwise need to search for myself. I have been reading everyone elses blogs and posts to work stuff out for the last 20+ years… its time to give back.
Unless otherwise stated, or specified in the source of my posts, everything on this site is
licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Jekyll and this theme (Minimal Mistakes) are both licensed under the MIT Licence